From: Cheh, Mary (COUNCIL) [MCheh@DCCOUNCIL.US]
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:37 AM
To: Albert, Neil (EOM)
Subject: Fw: Support for the Tenley PPP
These are all very good suggestions which I hope you will co-ordinate with those responsible and pursue. And, in general, there is a need for as much communication as possible to counter the misinformation being spread out there. Thanks Mary.
Mary M. Cheh
Councilmember for Ward 3
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 108
Washington, DC 20004
Tel (202) 724-8062
-Sent using BlackBerry
-----Original Message ----
To: Cheh, Mary (COUNCIL)
Sent: Sat Jul 12 1 l:07:06 2008
Subject: Support for the Tenley PPP
Council Member -Council Office Mary Cheh
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004-3003
Dear Council Member -Council Office Cheh,
Thank you for moving ahead with the Tenley Library private
public partnership. This decision for a mixed use project
demonstrates the forward thinking that we celebrate for our
I believe that there are a couple of statements that the city
could issue that might help the community come together in
support of the project:
I was told by Eric Scott that Allen Lew's shop will be
completely responsible for Janney's modernization, that LCOR
will not be responsible for determining the design and program.
If this is true, and this fact was made public, I'm sure that
would ease the concem of many in the community.
To quell the concern that economic factors are driving this
process, it would be beneficial for the Mayor to announce that
the Deputy Mayor for Education will be as involved in the
process as the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic
bevelopment. Reinoso is well trusted in Ward 3 and that would
help assure the community that the school's needs will be well
represented in the process.
ANC3E is selectively leaking out a 3/31/08 draft of the MFP that
shows Janney as #8 for modemization. They interpret this
document to mean that Janney was being moved up anyway or has
already been moved up and will necessarily stay moved up. You
certainly must realize that if the community could kill the PPP
and have Janney remain in the #8 spot, most in the community
would choose that option! I believe that this is another case
where the ODMPED or Mayor has to come out and state (if true)
that Janney will only move up if the PPP happens. Now that this
document has been circulated, it is no longer good enough to say
it the other way round.
I thank you for moving forward on this Partnership, and I certainly
hope to hear increased and improved communication from the DC
Government as the project evolves.
Allison Bamard Feeney
4519 Chesapeake Street NW
Washington. DC 20016